Getting started with TypeScript

I have been working on TypeScript for the last few months and would like to share a list of getting started pointers to quickly get a hang of the language.

If you are wondering what is TypeScript:

“TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.”


1. Introduction to TypeScript by Anders Hejlsberg, the man who developed this language. You should definitely read about his earlier works, pretty impressive 🙂

2. There is no better place to start than from the official TypeScript language page – TypeScriptLang (Yes the above definition is from this link)

– You have a nice playground to play around TypeScript right inside the browser under the Play tab

– Language spec, samples, Handbook, tutorials etc.

3. Recently I have noticed a good course on and found it good – Edx Introduction to TypeScript

– This has introductory talk from Anders Hejlsberg

– Exercises to work on.

4. The rise of TypeScript – Interesting reading

5. Channel9 do have many videos on TypeScript.

Hopefully the above reading should help you understand why should you use TypeScript when building heavy applications for web.

For those who are interested in exploring further – I found some real good discussion on Pros and Cons of using TypeScript which gives you a good food for thought. Do search on web and read those as well

As always please do share any interesting articles on TypeScript for other readers.