
I will write about the books which I read and planning to read in this space.

  1. Designing Data-Intensive Applications – This is a great book by Martin Kleppmann and I would strongly recommended anyone interested in working in distributed systems to read this book. I have learned quite a lot of things from data formats, to storage architectures, to distributed transactions etc. The references mentioned in each chapter are as knowledgeable as the chapter itself.
  2. Head first Design Patterns – When I first read this book, I felt this was too lengthy and I couldn’t really appreciate the examples. But after working in the industry for sometime, I started reading this book again and now I appreciate this much much better. I found Design Patterns : Elements of Re-usable Object Oriented Software (by Gang of Four) more academic and takes a real good time to digest (but a great reference book).
  3. Indistractable – This is a great book which I received from our team as part of annual book giving campaign. I would say a must read.
  4. Hit Refresh – All the Microsoft employees were given a copy and I think this is the first non-technical book which I read and I would say this book is so awesome. You wouldn’t know how the time passed by when you start reading this book.