Roslyn – The .NET Compiler platform

Roslyn is the .NET Compiler Platform which provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs. Roslyn exposes modules for syntactic analysis of code, semantic analysis, dynamic compilation to CIL, and code emission

I heard about Roslyn during one of the Hackathon events but didn’t get a chance to explore it till couple of days back. As part of the recent Hackathon, I got a chance to work on a project which needed Roslyn help to make my work quick and easy. I was amazed at the easy at which we can use the compiler service. This tutorial helped me to quickly get on track, thanks to the author – Learn Roslyn Now. The same author have a FAQ section which gave me a path to many of my requirements for the project like given a particular piece of code in a workspace how do I find all the references across the solution etc etc.

This Hackathon was a great learning and a great fun. The most memorable part being demoing this project to one of our CVPs :). I should be very thankful to one of my team mate for the idea!

Do read about Roslyn and get amazed 🙂